Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just sew.....

Okay, so this is me getting over my ego. I'm sharing some images of my recent attempts at free form embroidery. I've been reading this blog ( that my friend Carrie got me hooked onto and she does such beautiful, simple embroidery of things in nature. She sketches little drawings of things she likes when she goes out hiking and then sews them onto fabric and makes little bags or wall hangings or wallets or whatever. Maybe this will end up as a little clutch or perhaps a pillow or maybe it will just sit with my other abandoned projects...we'll see.

I made Adam sketch a daffodil for me....and I attempted a few basic stitches.....its OK. It's not quite a daffodil anymore now that I've gone over it, but I'm learning - right? I loved what I had done with the stem and the petals. Once I got to the middle, I think I panicked!

There's some great online video glossaries of numerous stitches and that was very helpful. Find that website (

I have attempted a few other sewing projects as of late, but I dare not show them on the world wide web. Still very much in "learner" mode, I'm not quite confident in my skills yet. But here's a baby blanket I made for a friend of mine at work who just had a baby girl. I got the ladybug fabric at goodwill for $3. There is definitely something to be said about goodwill.


carrie said...

lizzie! those look great--especially the daffodil! keep going, and you'll only get better. i definitely can't do that embroidery so i'm impressed.

Unknown said...

thanks means a lot coming from an old pro like you :)