Monday, July 8, 2013

Noella Lately

First time at the dentist

We celebrated with a sugary drink.... naturally

Continuing to excel at her big sister duties

Playing board games

Berries with balsamic vinegar.... her palate is so refined

Her creative abilities continue to astound me daily

As well as her dramatic abilities

But, she wouldn't be our child if she didn't love the outdoors, that's for sure!

She's a good girl. Even though she continues to test us daily, and her whining can make anybody's ears hurt - she is truly a great kid. She is growing like a WEED. All of her dresses that I bought for the spring are now too short. Yep, that's right - 4Ts are too small for this 3.5 year old. I'm considering buying size 6.... and that sounds way too old. 

I'll wrap up this Noella post with this dancing video: Noella's Black Swan Rendition

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