Friday, September 28, 2012

Second Time Around

Yes - you've all heard via Facebook, I'm sure. Little Holt #2 is on the way. We are extremely excited. We've been holding this one in for a little while - don't want to break news too early, so it's fun to be out in the open!

Original estimates have put the due date at March 31st, but according to the ultrasound I had yesterday, it's measuring more like March 25th. That's always good - right? Sooner than expected. We'll see if this one likes to be early, punctual or late.

Noella asked us a few weeks ago at dinner if there was a baby in my belly:
"Yes", I replied.
"Is it ready to come out?", she asked.
"Well, who's gonna grab it out?"
She is so delicate with her wording, don't you think?

Everyone is very interested to know whether we will find out the gender. The answer is, probably yes. I was dead set with Noella to NOT find out (as was Adam). Adam was feeling the same way this time around, but I feel the need to know. Things are different, we can actually plan a little better, we're more settled AND (not that this should be a reason) since Noella is dead-set that it is a girl and we're going to name it "Sistah", I figured it would be good to know (in case, of course, that it is not a girl and I'm pretty sure that name would not stand even if it is a girl).

She looks thrilled, doesn't she?

This may explain for my overall laziness and lack of posting lately. This second pregnancy has hit me a little harder and I have not had much energy to do anything besides chase after Noella. Hopefully, I'm on the upswing!


Heather and Mike said...

Liz- I am so excited for you =) Hope you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

Heather, thank you! You're just about ready!!! Good luck.... And.... why can't I read your blog anymore? Can I be invited :)