Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wolf Tree Trail Family Hike: Smith Rock State Park

Onto the second family hike of the season. This is where we took Emma on our way to check out the progress of our house last spring. What a great place!

I feel like this is a glimpse of my future when I'm of geriatric age and I'm needing her to guide me places. 

Blazing Star. Noella and Dad looked this one up in our handy-dandy wildflower guide.

She's serious.

Me trying to be artsy with the camera and not completely successful.

Sitting by the Crooked River that runs in between the canyon at Smith Rock.

Zeb, showing off that he made it so much faster to the top.


Raise the roof! I did it!

Checking out how far they climbed up (not that far, but far for a 3 foot almost 3 year old). 

Smith Rock State Park. We love this place. It's so inspiring.

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