Monday, October 3, 2011

Just Beachy

Adam had a work thing saturday morning, so N and I decided to truck along with him up to the Washington coast. It had been nearly a year since Noella had seen the ocean (and I'm sure she didn't remember it anyway). She and Zeb frolicked in the sand and had a grand old time:

Toe Towhead* with bucket in tow.

Zeb investigates the contents of the bucket

Zeb can dig too!

The shore line was a bit mucky...

Driving home 

Sleeping with muddy
*It had really bothered me for years that I never understood the meaning of this term. Hence, misspelling it the first post. So, here is the origination of the term "towhead": Apparently, it comes from colonial times when families grew flax to make clothing. After the fibers were prepared for spinning, the shorter, lesser quality fibers were called "tow". This led to the term "towheads" to describe people, children in particular, whose hair resembled these fibers.

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